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Última actividad de XenFacil.com

  • XenFacil.com
    XenFacil.com ha publicado un nuevo tema.
    As we get ever closer to the fabled "release candidate" stage and the eventual stable release, today we are releasing the eighth beta...
  • XenFacil.com
    XenFacil.com ha publicado un nuevo tema.
    Unfortunately it has recently come to our attention that the CAPTCHA previously provided by Solve Media is no longer functional...
  • XenFacil.com
    XenFacil.com ha publicado un nuevo tema.
    Welcome to 2.3.0 Beta 7! Since our last release we have been mostly focusing again on bug fixes and stability, though we do have an...
  • XenFacil.com
    XenFacil.com ha publicado un nuevo tema.
    This week (and a bit) we have been extremely busy working towards that enticing milestone of a stable release. There's still a little...
  • XenFacil.com
    XenFacil.com ha publicado un nuevo tema.
    Finally, the add-ons have some love ❤️ While there is the usual amount of bug fixes as we work hard to make XenForo 2.3 even more...
  • XenFacil.com
    XenFacil.com ha publicado un nuevo tema.
    Today is the day we sadly have to report that this is the final 'Have you seen...?' thread for XenForo 2.3. While there are still...
  • XenFacil.com
    XenFacil.com ha publicado un nuevo tema.
    Today, we continue the, uh, trend of weekly beta releases for XenForo 2.3 with Beta 4. This release fixes a number of bugs found since...
  • XenFacil.com
    XenFacil.com ha publicado un nuevo tema.
    Since the initial release of XenForo 2.3, there has been a new system working away behind the scenes. One that some developers might...
  • XenFacil.com
    XenFacil.com ha publicado un nuevo tema.
    Today, we continue the beta stage of XenForo 2.3 with Beta 3, albeit a little later than originally planned This release fixes a number...
  • XenFacil.com
    XenFacil.com ha publicado un nuevo tema.
    First thing's first, don't panic, don't rush to your customer area, there is no Beta 3 release today! We are likely to be moving the...
  • XenFacil.com
    XenFacil.com ha publicado un nuevo tema.
    Today, we continue the beta stage of XenForo 2.3 with Beta 2. This release fixes a number of bugs found since the previous release, and...
  • XenFacil.com
    XenFacil.com ha publicado un nuevo tema.
    Brand new in XenForo 2.3.0 Beta 2 is support for a few long overdue enhancements related to our payment and purchasable system. Let's...
  • XenFacil.com
    XenFacil.com ha publicado un nuevo tema.
    We are delighted to announce that XenForo 2.3.0 Beta 1 is now available to all customers with active self-hosted licenses. XenForo 2.3...
  • XenFacil.com
    XenFacil.com ha publicado un nuevo tema.
    It's finally here! Today we are pleased to mark the next major milestone towards a stable release of XenForo 2.3 and this time we need...